Tuesday 30 July 2013

Heroes inspiration... fabric edition

Have you come up with any ideas for the Heroes theme?

Here's some fabric ideas to get you thinking...

The obvious to me is Superheroes:

Make your own costume with these panels

Or it could be war heroes:

Perhaps your hero is an author or a character from a book?:

Or you have a creative/sewing/designer hero?

Bloom Downloadable PDF Quilt Pattern Aneela Hoey

You could have a sporting hero:

Or a musical hero:

Possibly TV heroes:

Why not have a break and think about it while you eat a hero sandwich?

Then come back here on September 15th to link up your fabulous HEROES inspired craft projects and have a chance to win a $25 gift certificate to the Fat Quarter Shop!!


  1. I may have finished my entry already!

  2. Let me guess, your hero is the Fat Quarter Shop ;o)

  3. Hero sandwich? Now that's something that did not make my brainstorm list

    1. I'd love to see someone make something with that idea!

  4. OOhh I love the music print fabric. And the sandwich fabric, though I've realised foodie fabrics make me hungry...

    1. It's lovely isn't it?! Foodie fabric makes me hungry too!

  5. What brilliant inspiration!'n

  6. I already have that first fabric.... But think I want a sandwich hero now!

  7. Oh I may have to make my own superhero costume!

  8. Lots of great inspiration here. And I just saw the wolverine movie :)

  9. Hero Sandwich .... What the heck is a hero sandwich? ... Mine is finished already....but I might make more.


Thanks for your comment!
We will reply to any of your questions here on the comments section of the blog so please check back.